Google does have GWT. If the AppEngine had support for Java we'd be
able to use Java alone to build GWT apps on the GAE. Java also has
plenty of good libraries, i in particular have a few i wouldn't mind
using on the server side. If support for another language is added i
hope it's Java.


On Dec 31 2008, 10:26 pm, luismgz <> wrote:
> Anyway, I'm sure any half-competent java programmer would be able to
> pick up python in a couple of hours.
> On Dec 31 2008, 8:02 pm, warreninaustintexas
> <> wrote:
> > Programmers are human beings - even though we work with logic-oriented
> > problems.  We still have the natural human behavior of preferring
> > something familiar over something unfamiliar - even if the unfamiliar
> > environment is superior.  Java is familiar because it is the primary
> > language taught in universities and it is one of the most commonly
> > used languages in enterprise software.
> > From a pure functionality standpoint, there is no reason to have Java
> > on Google App Engine.  App Engine is scalable from a system
> > architecture standpoint.  Google could just as easily have old-school
> > BASIC as an App Engine language.  Programmers have a familiarity with
> > Java, though, so that's why the interest in Java as an App Engine
> > language.
> > On Dec 31, 10:04 am, Aramaki <> wrote:
> > > Hi, a few months ago I started with python to get used to GAE. Before
> > > that, I was working with java and it is still a language that I
> > > appreciate.
> > > But the fact is that after learning python I really don't see the
> > > advantage. My point is that python is strong enough to gracefully
> > > carry out almost any task conceived for GAE. It is fully OOP and
> > > strong enough. I use my eclipse like always so my question is guys:
> > > - The comunity interest in implementing java will give you so much
> > > advantage or it is because you do no want to learn python- Hide quoted 
> > > text -
> - Show quoted text -
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