> Looking at it more deeply every 20th one takes a long time. I assume
> that's the data fetch.
I guess you are iterating over a Query or GqlQuery object to get the
entities? This explains explain why every 20th iteration. From
http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/datastore/queryclass.html :

  The iterator retrieves results from the datastore in small batches,
allowing for the app to stop iterating on results to avoid fetching
more than is needed.

If you know beforehand how many entities you need, try using the fetch
() method and iterate over an array of entities it returns.

This may be a bit faster, but still, your problem is the size of your
entities and their number. Try reducing either or both of them.

Dan and boson already covered the size part, regarding the number, do
you really need 500 entities at once? Unless you are going to
calculate some aggregate values, your users won't be able to digest so
much information on a page.

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