Repeating a couple of things I mentioned to Greg in email, for the list
A single-server SQL database with low load and tables with rows numbering in
the thousands can do lots of cool things with that data in a reasonable
amount of time.  But many of the features of a SQL query engine have
difficulty scaling to hundreds of machines, millions of records, and 50+
qps.  The App Engine datastore is designed to scale, and inevitably lacks
features of single-server SQL databases that don't scale.  The datastore is
designed to maintain its performance characteristics over very large data
sets and heavy traffic, so performance with small data sets and low traffic
may not always compare to a single-server SQL database under similar
conditions. in the same sense that it won't compare to a RAM cache of the
same data.
I'll be the first to admit that this means some applications are not
well-suited to App Engine.  However, I wouldn't say that a table of 300
items of product data is necessarily impractical, even if it isn't as simple
as rendering the results of a SQL query.  One simple option in this case is
to store an entity per item as you're doing now, but use range queries and
multiple requests driven by JavaScript to build the page.  (Watch how Google
Reader renders lists of hundreds of items; you can barely tell the data
wasn't all there on the first request.)

Going to the primary database to retrieve 300 items of 40 fields each is
asking for 12,000 instantly dynamic fields for a single page.  That's a
*lot* to ask if the app expects to scale.  Part of scaling data is
determining how quickly updates need to be available, so you can
pre-calculate and cache results to optimize queries, i.e. make data that
doesn't need to be instantly dynamic less dynamic.

In the case of a product catalog, most of the catalog data can be largely
static.  You can pre-build and store the product lists, then store dynamic
data (like product availability) on separate entities queried at render
time.  The upcoming cron service will make this kind of pre-building and
cache warm-up easier to do, and in some cases you can just update lists and
caches when you update individual fields in primary storage.  You have the
right idea with wanting to cache this information, but you'll probably need
to do something other than performing the 12,000-field query during a user
request with the intent to cache.

Incidentally, returning just keys for a query has been on our radar for a
while, we just haven't gotten to it.  I can't promise anything, but it's on
our list.  Feel free to file a feature request in the issue tracker to
promote it.

-- Dan

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Tzakie <> wrote:

> > Quite frankly, I can't think of a Google web app that displays 100 of
> > anything all at once...
> I'm getting the impression that people think what I'm asking for is
> ridiculous
> and off the radar. I sent you an e-mail with the urls of the current
> app and
> what I am working on. When you see it in context I think it looks
> pretty
> reasonable.
> E commerce apps particularly need long lists for a lot of things. On
> the
> e-commerce apps I do paging kills customers. They don't "next" they
> just leave.
> Can't you guys make something that just returns the keys from a query?
> That seems consistent with how I think big table works.
> >

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