You're mis-parsing the sentence.  Note that they even tell you what
they mean by "take care of messy details".

Let's look at another example.  MS's Visual {whatever} documentation
claims that it makes programming easy.  Do you think that that claim
implies that using said product will let anyone produce an O(N)
solution to an NP-complete problem?

> > I worked in a distributed systems group for many years, so I know that
> many of these problems are simply inherent to distributed systems.  It
> doesn't disturb me that they exist.

You're complaining that GAE doesn't solve them.

> What bothers me is the way these
> issues are broadly *ignored* by GAE's documentation.

GAE documentation doesn't teach you how to program.  It doesn't teach
you how to make money with a web site.  It doesn't even tell you how
to do things with other systems so you can compare.  It tells you how
to do things with GAE.

Sure, I'd like better tutorials.  But, if I had a choice between
documentation that makes it possible to use a new subsystem and more
information on distributed systems programming with a GAE twist, I'll
take the former every time.

On Jul 16, 11:40 pm, n8gray <> wrote:
> On Jul 16, 10:35 pm, Andy Freeman <> wrote:
> > >                                              I'm starting to think that 
> > > the "GAE takes
> > > care of the messy details of distributed systems programming" claim is
> > > a bit overstated...
> > Global clock consistency requires very expensive clocks accessible
> > from every server with known latency (and even that's a bit dodgy).
> > AFAIK, GAE doesn't provide that, but who does?
> > GAE doesn't do the impossible, but also doesn't say that it does.  WRT
> > the latter, would you really prefer otherwise?
> But that's just it -- in many places it's claimed that GAE makes it
> all a cakewalk.  From the datastore docs:
> """
> Storing data in a scalable web application can be tricky. A user could
> be interacting with any of dozens of web servers at a given time, and
> the user's next request could go to a different web server than the
> one that handled the previous request. All web servers need to be
> interacting with data that is also spread out across dozens of
> machines, possibly in different locations around the world.
> Thanks to Google App Engine, you don't have to worry about any of
> that. App Engine's infrastructure takes care of all of the
> distribution, replication and load balancing of data behind a simple
> API—and you get a powerful query engine and transactions as well.
> """
> You could argue that that's not claiming to do the impossible, but
> "you don't have to worry about any of that" is certainly not true.
> Nowhere in the documentation is there a discussion of the kinds of
> subtle gotchas that you need to be aware of when programming for this
> kind of system.  It's all just "golly isn't this so gosh-darn easy!"
> You have to go digging to find the article on transaction isolation
> where you find out that your queries can return results that, um,
> don't match your queries.  And AFAICT you *do* have to worry about
> subsequent requests being handled by different servers, since there
> doesn't seem to be any guarantee that the datastore writes made in one
> request will be seen in the next.  Memcache doesn't have transactions,
> so it seems like guaranteeing coherence with the datastore is tricky.
> I worked in a distributed systems group for many years, so I know that
> many of these problems are simply inherent to distributed systems.  It
> doesn't disturb me that they exist.  What bothers me is the way these
> issues are broadly *ignored* by GAE's documentation.  If I wasn't a
> bit savvy about distributed systems I probably wouldn't have realized
> that clock skew could cause problems, and nothing I read in GAE's docs
> would have helped me figure it out.  So no, I don't want GAE to claim
> to do the impossible, I want them to *stop* claiming to do the
> impossible.  I would love to see some articles about the pitfalls of
> the system and how to avoid them or mitigate them.  The transaction
> isolation article is great in that respect -- I hope people at Google
> are planning more along those lines.
> Cheers,
> -n8
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