FWIW, my original post here was under my then-specified nickname, Blue
Shoes. I have since changed it to my real name, Alan Anderson.



I now realize that I omitted an important piece of information in my
original post: I am using the SDK for Python. That turns out to be a
significant omission when it comes to discussing the use of the
Eclipse IDE, and I think the "Downloads" page is misleading on that
subject. It makes a clear distinction about which GAE SDK to download
for Java or Python, but it does not do so for the Google Plug-in for
Eclipse; it just has the link "Download the Google Plug-in for
Eclipse," which led me to think that plug-in worked for Java and
Python. As it turns out, that plug-in works only for Java. It took me
forever to realize that. I kept expecting to see a GAE perspective or
some such that would accommodate Python. Jaroslav here kept telling me
"There is no GWT/GAE perspective." And of course he is correct. There
is a Java perspective that one would use for Java.

So correct me if I am wrong, but it appears that GAE does not offer an
Eclipse plug-in for Python. The docs say "You can use PyDev," but it
does not say that if you want an Eclipse plug-in for GAE Python
development, PyDev is the ONLY plug-in available for that. I
downloaded and installed the PyDev plug-in, and it gives you a PyDev
perspective that has a Python editor, debugger, etc. I already had the
GAE plug-in installed, so I figured that it might be necessary to
deploy an app or whatever. But it turns out that so far as I can see,
it has no use whatsoever for GAE Python development. PyDev has its own
facilities for creating GAE Python projects, running and/or debugging
apps in the test mode, etc., and deploying GAE apps. So I uninstalled
the GAE plug-in, and it appears to be totally irrelevant and
unnecessary to Python development.

It is at a minimum annoying that the docs do not make that clear. That
download link should be titled "Download the Eclipse GAE Plug-in for
Java" or some such so a newbie won't waste time trying to figure out
why it doesn't work for Python. There, I am nearly finished with my
complaining and whining, and I feel much better now.


Searching with Google, I found a number of web pages on using the
PyDev Eclipse Plug-in to create GAE projects. Most of them show a very
complicated procedure one must go through to configure a PyDev project
so that it works for GAE. I couldn't see how a newbie would ever
figure it out, and I don't think you should have to search so hard to
find those explanations. One of those pages is on the GAE site at

However, I eventually learned that all of those pages including the
one on the GAE site are obsolete. The latest version of PyDev (as of
this writing) is 1.5.9, and it has the ability to create GAE-aware
projects without all that complicated manual configuration. It employs
wizards that ask for the location of the GAE libraries and such. It is
much simpler than the manual procedures I referenced above. The only
documentation I found that explains how to use this newer PyDev for
GAE projects is an 11-minute video that I stumbled upon. It is by the
developer of PyDev. Here's a link to it. (Here comes my last bit of
whining.) It wasn't exactly easy to stumble upon.

      *  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoD5R_GX-08

The video was made for PyDev version 1.4.6, but it is sufficient for
the version, 1.5.9, that I have installed.

These revelations make me wonder about the maturity of GAE. Much of
what I've read makes me think that Google has somewhat of a bias
toward Python. They say that much of their search technology is
written in Python, and GAE originally supported only Python; Java was
introduced later. So I would think that the GAE Python support and
documentation would be more complete than that for Java. Also, I am
surprised that Google didn't develop their own Eclipse Plug-in for GAE
Python projects like they did for GAE Java projects. I suppose all
this reflects the larger number of  Java coders as compared to the
number of Python coders.


Since my last post here, I have obtained the book "Programming Google
App Engine" by Dan Sanderson (O'Reilly | Google Press). I have so far
read only the first few chapters but already feel that I am coming out
of the wilderness. I am finding it to be an excellent book. I would
recommend it to anybody starting from scratch at learning GAE as I
have been doing.

Thanks to those of you who responded to my original post. Please
inform me If any of my conclusions here are incorrect.

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