Glad to get more information on the new billing in this thread - the
new billing doc leaves many important questions unanswered. I am still
foggy on what will happen with these new billing units and whether App
Engine will still be affordable for startups and small projects (i.e.
without guaranteed paying audiences or "Enterprise" funding).

As a little feedback I don't at all think this is easier to understand
than CPU, which we've been able to measure in various ways for a

How does the difference between a GqlQuery vs. a get_by_key_name
factor in to the new billing? Both are entity fetches in some sense,
but surely running the query doesn't take the same amount of time as
using the key name?

On the issue of reads and writes being billed the same: take your
typical fetch of an entity by key name, and compare it to your typical
put of an entity with a change to an indexed property. Is the
difference in CPU time between the fetch and the put entirely
accounted for by index writes? Because the concern here is whether the
new billing will maintain the ratio between the costs of reads and
writes in line with actual resource use.

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