Hi Denis,

"[...]Google wants a healthy eco-system but at the same time do want to have 
deal with real businesses, but not becoming almost-free hosting.[...]"

I think you're right.

But in 2008, it was "pay for what you use" and not "pay for what you use" + 
$9 / month.
No monthly fee,... it was very important for me : just pay for what I need.

So, I still don't understand what do we have with these $9.

   - An app with 0.99999 GB scales and costs $0.
   - An app with 1.00001 GB scales and costs $9/month

And maybe more if we can't pay in $ but in € (this issue 1999, is still 

I understand that free quotas should be reduced and the price (data, 
fetch,...) have to increase in order to make GAE viable.

But $9/month is too high and should be per account and not per application.
(don't know if it exists but a dev with 10 paied apps will have to pay : 
9*12*10 = 1080€ / year)


I still love GAE, not the price :)

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