Folks, reading all the posts(to be true, i read only the first 10 of
this thread), it seems everyone where is expected to be a GAE billing
expert to survive. Although all the discussions sound interesting, i
dont really have the time to understand all the intricacies, and i
believe same is the case for other developers. Personally, sole reason
for choosing GAE was that i can focus on my business model and not
about balancing set of servers and the billing. It would have been way
better and easier if you had increased the CPU, bandwidth, storage
price to cover up for revenues. If you look at AWS, they have never
done this drastic change in the their service and pricing model. Every
new product comes with its pricing and stackable in some fashion onto
existing products.

GAE team still has the chance to cancel this change and let everyone
get back to their core job, their application. Please dont make it an
ego issue, if there is still a chance to cancel this change. Just for
comparison, Facebook had cancelled its Facebook Beacon product in 2007
after putting in tons and tons of effort and partnerships into it. And
as far as i can recall, the amount of resistance to Beacon product was
much less than what i have seen with GAE pricing change.

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