On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 2:07 AM, Johan Euphrosine <pro...@google.com> wrote:
> I was referring to the 2000+ qps benchmark result you posted at the
> beginning of this thread, it's difficult to compare those with backend
> QPS if those are coming from running ab against localhost.
> It could be interesting to check what QPS you get when running ab
> against App Engine frontend urlfetching to your VPS, so we can compare
> with App Engine Backend and Compute.

I'll try running some more tests when I get some time, but I don't see
why I would expect any different results.  I might expect better
results if 'ab' isn't competing with node for CPU resources.  The only
practical difference of moving 'ab' off localhost is whether the
network card driver on the VPS server is dramatically less efficient
than the loopback driver.  Maybe it is, but it's likely insignificant
compared to the work done at higher levels of the network stack (like,
say, decoding http in javascript).

This assumes that an unrestricted number of GAE frontends can pass
through any amount of load I am capable of generating, which I take
for granted.


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