I think there must be a problem with RPCs from backends. Given my continued 
attempts to debug this problem and Vinny's suggestion, I setup another 
small test case, this time writing to the datastore. I observe the exact 
same behaviour: a large percentage of writes to datastore hang (seemingly) 
indefinitely. I was writing 750KBs of data. Test code:

import webapp2
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.api.logservice import logservice
import logging

class TestEntity(db.Model):
    data = db.TextProperty()

class StartHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def debugMessage(self, msg):

    def get(self):
        data = "f" * 1024 * 750
        entity = TestEntity(data=data)
        self.debugMessage("Entity created")
        self.debugMessage("Entity saved")

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
    ('/_ah/start', StartHandler),
], debug=True)

I ran this with 10 instances, 3 times. The number of successful writes was 
7,3 and 7 for each time I tested. The unsuccessful writes hang after 
"Entity created" appears in the log but before "Entity saved" is logged 
(and these entities do not appear in the datastore). Additional info:

- The max time I waited for this was ~15 minutes; I observed hanging of ~1 
hour when I was writing/debugging "real" code though. 
- I have tried with both db and ndb. Same behaviour
- Things look ok running on frontends. 60/60 successful writes (using ndb 
in this case, didn't test with the older API). 

Unless I'm missing something, this seems to be a real problem with backend 

Thanks for any suggestions,

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