Hi Ye,

No problems. Thanks for the update, I appreciate it.

In light of Doug's comments, I have also confirmed the same behaviour 
(success on writing 30KB; some hangs on writing >=32KBs) occurs with the 
latest release (r105) of the client library from SVN. I was expecting this, 
as it doesn't look like the GCS library is the problem.


On Thursday, September 19, 2013 5:47:08 PM UTC+1, Ye Yuan wrote:
> Ben,
> Speaking personally, thank you a lot for your posts! It is very helpful 
> for identifying this issue. I was focused on GCS client and wasn't aware of 
> the full scope. More people had been looped in and I'll reach out to other 
> relevant folks today. Very sorry for all the inconvenience!
> I tried fiddling this parameter, but this seems to cause too many requests 
> to GCS as I started receiving 503 responses, which corresponds to a request 
> rate that is too high (
> https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/reference-status#standardcodes
> ).
> GCS has a minimum chunk size of 256KB. Flushing data of smaller size has 
> undefined behavior.
> On Thursday, September 19, 2013 5:46:49 AM UTC-7, Ben Smithers wrote:
>> A few more updates on this,
>> It looks like Vinny was correct - writes of a smaller size do not seem to 
>> cause a problem. Specifically, writes from backend instances to datastore, 
>> blobstore and cloud storage of 32KBs all display the hanging behaviour I 
>> have been talking about. Writes to each of these of 30KBs all seem to work 
>> without problem (the actual size at which there is a problem seems to vary 
>> slightly depending on the service, presumably because of varying overhead - 
>> I have had full success with writes of 31.5KBs to datastore).
>> My guess therefore is that there is some kind of block size used 
>> somewhere in the underlying urlfetch/RPC implementation and whenever 
>> multiple blocks are required for the request, there is some probability of 
>> the request hanging. Why this issue affects backend instances only, I have 
>> no idea.
>> Using the deprecated files API for blobstore, it is possible to write 
>> large files simply by writing in chunks of 30KBs:
>>     def write_in_chunks(self,data):
>>         chunk_size = 1024 * 30
>>         file_name = files.blobstore.create(mime_type="text/plain")
>>         num_chunks = int(math.ceil(len(data)/chunk_size))
>>         with files.open(file_name, 'a') as f:
>>             for i in range(0, num_chunks):
>>                 f.write(data[i*chunk_size:(i+1)*chunk_size])
>>         files.finalize(file_name)
>> Using the cloudstorage library, this isn't possible. It looks like this 
>> is because the library only flushes data once 256K characters have been 
>> written; this can be seen in the write method in storage_api.py (the 
>> blocksize is set to 256K on line 489): 
>>   def write(self, data):
>>     """Write some bytes."""
>>     self._check_open()
>>     assert isinstance(data, str)
>>     if not data:
>>       return
>>     self._buffer.append(data)
>>     self._buffered += len(data)
>>     self._offset += len(data)
>>     if self._buffered >= self._blocksize:
>>       self._flush()
>> I tried fiddling this parameter, but this seems to cause too many 
>> requests to GCS as I started receiving 503 responses, which corresponds to 
>> a request rate that is too high (
>> https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/reference-status#standardcodes
>> ).
>> Hopefully this is helpful for others and for identifying and fixing the 
>> underlying issue.
>> Ben

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