Apologies this follows on from a previous topic, but I couldnt see how
to remove the previous one, and I have a more specific error now.

Map: www.my-walk.com/index.php

Heres the code in question:

function loadRoutes() {

        $r = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM routes");
        while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r))

                var coordinates = '.$row["coordinates"].'
                coordinates = coordinates.replace(/[(]/g, "");
                coordinates = coordinates.replace(/[)],/g, "&");
                var temp = [];
                var temp2 = [];
                temp = coordinates.split("&");
                temp2 = temp[0].split(",");
                var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(temp2[0]),
                // -1 gets rid of the last string which is empty space
                for (var i = 1; i < temp.length-1; i++)
                        temp2 = temp[i].split(",");
                        var latlng = new 

                // Ideally want the path added at the location of it's id, 
of using push
                //pathArray['.$row["id"].'] = path;


function addRoutes() {

        for (i=0; i<pathArray.length; i++)
                poly = new google.maps.Polyline({
                path: pathArray[i],
                        strokeColor: "#FF0000",
                        strokeOpacity: 0.5,
                        strokeWeight: 5

loadRoutes() is ran inside initialize(), and takes all the routes in
the database, and creates a path for them. addRoutes is called by a
listener for the event 'idle', and uses these paths to display a poly
line on the map for each one.

Ideally I want to add the paths to pathArray[] at a specific palce,
determined by the paths 'id', but to be safe ive started by using push
and looping through the array, but it dosen;t draw the poly line.

Inside the addRoute method I would like some code that says if the
path is within the bounds of the map, draw its polyline and add it to
the map. Hence, with the 'idle' event listener, the map will only
display routes which are within the window fo the map that the user is

Thanks for your help,


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