Yeah, just changed it to this and it worked:

var coordinates = "<? echo ($row["coordinates"]); ?>";


The issue I have now is that if the user moves the map (Google Maps 'idle' 
event), the code will draw any routes of which have a center within the 
current bounds. The issue here is if I move the tiniest bit, the routes are 
still within the bounds and it draws them AGAIN.

I obviously need a remove Overlays style method at the beginning of the 
addRoute method, but my current code is not working.

for (i=0; i<pathArray.length; i++)
        poly = new google.maps.Polyline({
            path: pathArray[i]            

Ive also tried:

for (i=0; i<pathArray.length; i++)

any ideas guys??

Thank you very much,


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