It looks like I was the only one that was especially concerned with
WYSIWYG or gadgets.  I think it is wise to focus on approaches that
take advantage of as many of the Wave tools as possible.  So you guys
have a point about the emphasis on robots.  Maybe another more general
suggestion might be to consider the advantages users of the tool will
have over other (non-wave-based) tools.

On Nov 19, 9:49 am, David Nesting <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Jason Livesay <> wrote:
> > in a Wave.  I just wanted to mention again that I personally would put more
> > effort into the gadget and WYSIWYG side of things than to the robot and
> > markup side of things.  I feel
> So, I don't mean to dissuade anyone from working on things designed like
> this.  I'm really interested to see how this approach turns out.
> The chief complaint I have with a gadget-oriented approach is that you start
> abandoning the services already provided by Wave.  You can no longer
> leverage spelly, or linky, for instance.  You have to re-implement your own
> editor within the gadget.  At that point, the only thing you're using Wave
> for is (presumably) to store the resulting document.  You might be able to
> save yourself some work and just implement this as a stand-alone web app?
>  Are there other ways we can continue to leverage Wave but approach this in
> a gadget-oriented manner?
> David


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