Wow! What a response! Thank you :)

I have read the full discussion now and Im not sure I got everything,
since Im a bit too tired, but...

You said that WYSIWYG-editing might be hard if you are several users
working on the same page
- Possible solution: A function that lets you highlight/cut out/mark
or reserve an area for yourself, that you are in charge of.
Kind of like creating headlines in a document and person no. 1 work on
headline no.1. And the "editation-program" keeps track of what order
the headlines - reserved areas - was in from the beginning. But the
reserved area isnt locked in size. You can add as much as you feel
necesarry etc. Everyone else can join in on discussions and start
discussions about something in your private edit-area, but cannot edit

Same function should go with the code. Ofcourse other users that are
working with the same project should be able to highlight and copy
ideas from eachother, but NOT EDIT the same private area.

Perhaps a function where an "owner of an edit-area" should be able to
give access to others to edit a certain part of the code or graphical

Why do I sense that a cooperation between Google and Adobe would be
fantastic, and let Dreamweaver CS # have this Google Wave function
added to it. :)


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