On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 1:35 PM, BobV <b...@google.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Bruce Johnson <br...@google.com> wrote:
> > Sounds pretty useful. We should lock its behavior down more, though.
> Maybe
> Locking it down is just going to get in the way because we can't cover
> all of the types of messages that you'd necessarily want to be able to
> convey in tag attributes.

I may not be thinking about the spectrum clearly enough. Do you have some
examples in mind? It seems like the 99% case is people saying "Don't use
this anymore; use <that> instead."

>  Developers will just have to be judicious
> in their use of a free-form message; it more-or-less works for
> JavaDoc. (tangent: ModuleDoc?)

In javadoc, it has always seemed like an un-usefully underconstrained tag.
Everbody says exactly the same things, phrased every-so-slightly

> If you want to lock it down, the most useful thing to be able to
> specify is a URL with additional information.

I don't think that handles the most common use case, though. Wouldn't the
most common thing be, "Don't use this; use <that>"? Most people will go to
the absolute minimum trouble necessary, so it's unlikely people would be
included to create an actual URL to point to. (IMHO)


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