On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Bruce Johnson <br...@google.com> wrote:
> (BTW, I could be wrong about the whole "let's not have freeform text". It
> was just one guy's opinion that it makes things too inconsistent. I'd like
> to hear if other people agree/disagree.)
> @Other people: agree/disagree?
> Assuming people do agree that it's a bit better to avoid freeform text, then
> Bob, I like your most recent suggestion with John's addendum.

The option to document the deprecation seems useful to me.  Especially
in the case that John mentioned--you may need to explain which parts
of the big module got split into which chunk.

I don't really like the idea that you have to provide a URL because it
moves the documentation out of the module.  I think one of the
strengths of JavaDoc is that the doc is right there in the code.

I'd like to suggest this format:

  <superceded-by module="...">Optional free-form text explaining this

I think it's cleaner than a comma-separated superceded-by attribute
and it allows you to document each replacement in-line.  If people
generally don't like the free-form text in line, then I'd vote for
Bob's solution--an external file is likely to explain the whole change
so it wouldn't make sense to replace my in-line text with an href on
each superceded-by element.



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