On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 7:34 AM, Surya <master...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi ,
> I am fairly new to GWT and my requirement needs a glasspanel to be
> used. But due to the heavy size of incubator.jar file i would like to

"Heavy size" in what sense?  You're aware that only the classes you touch
will be in the compiled output, right?  And as a Java jar file, incubator
doesn't seem amazingly fat to me...

> just copy the GlassPanel class and GlassPanelImpl into my own
> workspace and create a custom glasspanel . This would remove the
> dependency on incubator.jar file. All is well at compile time.
> But when i compile it , it throws an error saying "GlassPanelImpl
> cannot be abstract" Please suggest if i am missing anything. Any help

I think you also need GlassPanel.gwt.xml, and the various alternative
implementations in the rebind clauses there: GlassPanelImpl*, in effect.  As
it happens, GlassPanelImpl is *supposed *to be abstract... but you're not
supposed to use it, but instead one of the subclasses specialized for your
browser, by deferred binding.

Also, though you hopefully know this already, you want to have both .class
and .java files in your extracted file; classes for hosted mode debugging,
sources for the GWT compiler to process.


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