On 2 juil, 17:03, Joel Webber <j...@google.com> wrote:
> Some others that might be interesting:
> Canvas:
>   This is a nasty case, because Canvas cannot be implemented sanely or
> efficiently on top of VML, which is the only game in IE town. Existing
> canvas-on-VML implementations notwithstanding -- they have wildly different
> performance semantics, which is pretty unacceptable in my opinion.

There's also the Gears Canvas (you could get a data: URL out of it and
give it in an Image for IE8+) and of course Flash (think
Chronoscope ;-) ) and/or Silverlight.

> SVG:
>   Things are a bit brighter here. There are some things (foreign objects and
> certain gradient patterns come to mind) that SVG can do, which VML cannot.
> But a sane navigation of the common features could lead to a quite usable
> and efficient vector graphics library. There's the existing GWTCanvas that
> Jaime wrote a while back as a starting point (which uses Canvas rather than
> SVG), but it appears to me that SVG performance has gotten a lot better
> since that was written, so it's probably worth reconsidering that approach.

And for IE compatibility, Silverlight again (see
http://intertwingly.net/blog/2008/01/26/SVG-Shiv and similar articles
on Sam Ruby's blog)

> HTML5/Gears Database:
> Geolocation:
>   These shouldn't be too difficult, as applications can be easily made
> sensitive to their presence or absence. The database/client-side storage
> APIs may need some cross-browser love, as there are a few different
> approaches and subtle differences across browsers, but I believe that is
> manageable.

It definitely is: 

> Cross-Document Messaging:
>   I'm pretty sure this can be emulated with window.name hackery.

Cannot we rather consider this an "optional feature", just like
database, geolocation and app cache?

> App Cache:
>   This is something we should support at the Linker level. And like the
> database APIs, an application can be made sensitive to its availability
> without too much difficulty.
> CSS Transforms:
>   I think we're pretty much screwed on this front. We could *try* to do
> translation, but I seriously doubt it's worth the trouble (and would
> probably cause layout issues, as the semantics are subtly different than
> left: and top:). But rotation and scale (not to mention arbitrary affine
> transforms) seem impossible to emulate.
> <audio>, <video>:
> I'm not terribly bullish on these. <audio> is at least theoretically
> supportable using Flash, and I could see something like the SoundManager2 js
> library taking advantage of it. But <video> is rife with codec licensing
> problems that seem unlikely to get resolved any time soon (If anyone wants
> to debate the ins and outs of codec licensing, let's *please* do so on
> another thread, because I can tell you from experience that the thread won't
> converge).
> And of course, there are probably others I'm not thinking of, so feel free
> to chime in with ideas.

Drag'n'drop! (using Gears or Yahoo! BrowserPlus as an alternative to
browser-native support –if detectable–)

And there are a few other things that have been split from HTML5 into
their own spec:
 - Web Workers ("optional feature", same as database, geolocation,
etc. see above)
 - WebSockets (using long-polling –eventually in a Worker– for now as
no-one implements it)
 - File API (use Gears or BrowserPlus as a fallback when available)
 - XMLHttpRequest 2 (progress events and ability to send binary data
from the File API; again, Gears could be used to emulate it,
BrowserPlus to a lesser extent)
 - Selectors API (already supported by GQuery)

See http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/

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