Comment by brett.wooldridge:

Thanks for the write-up.  Couple of things.

I'm checked out from the truck, but there is no "dev-dist" target.  A  
simple 'ant' seems to suffice for building gwt, though possibly building  
more than necessary.

I'm using the Eclipse plugin from the main site.  Should I be building this  

Missing step above?  Go to Preferences->Google->Web Toolkit and add the  
toolkit from the trunk.  GWT itself is not checked out in my Eclipse  
workspace.  Should it be?  I checked it out and built on the command line  
only.  As a result, step 2,3,4 don't make much sense, making me think your  
recipe is indeed describing a workspace where GWT is checked out along-side  
my project.  Correct?

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