You're trading off compile time simplicity at the expense of runtime
efficiency, and it's a bad trade.

Rather than emitting java lines as you walk the XML, you can build a model
of what you want to write. Once you're done with your traversal, you can
write out a single call to resize(int, int), and then write the rest.

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 12:20 PM, <> wrote:

> Ok, I had a look and just remembered why I used more calls to resize
> methods.
> The GridParser walks through the Grid and on the fly calculates the
> size. So if it comes to an element that doesn't fit into the current
> grid element it expands it (either by number of columns, or rows -
> depends which one is necessary).
> I thought it would be better to calculate the grid size as I walk
> through the grid compared to walking it first time to get the size and
> then once more to populate the elements.
> So if we had a grid like this
> 1, 2, 4
> 5, 6
> 7, 8, 9, 10
> The method would make three calls to resize columns when walking the
> first row. Then expand to fit the next row and then add elements as
> along as their number is less then 3. (as the current size of the grid
> is 2, 3). The there would be one more resize rows call to expand for the
> next row and one more resize columns call to resize columns to fit in
> number 10. So in the end you would end up with grid size 3, 4. Does that
> make sense?


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