File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/typeinfo/
void addByteCode(byte[] byteCode);
On 2011/01/24 19:14:07, tobyr wrote:
Why is this method in the public interface? Can we just remove it and
leave the
implementation in typemodel.JRealClassType?

Well, I thought about doing that, but then we'd lose the benefits of the
interface layer.  The generator calling getTypeStrongHash shouldn't need
to know the specific implementation for JRealClassType (and of type
oracle).  The generators refer to the interface versions of all the type
oracle and class type apis, and so this was in keeping with that.

Once we get the changes into TypeOracleMediator to be able to more
specifically check type structure/version, we can add a capability
interface (as Bob suggests), e.g. HasTypeStructureSignature.
// this will throw a ClassCastException if value is not Serializable
On 2011/01/24 19:14:07, tobyr wrote:
Comment is pointless as is. Document with javadoc instead?

Agreed, I've removed the comment
File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/javac/typemodel/
lazyTypeStrongHash = Util.computeStrongName(byteCode);
On 2011/01/24 19:14:07, tobyr wrote:
This isn't exactly what we want either, but it's better than assuming
stale or taking a long time to compute a hash. Can you add a comment
here that
explains that ideally we want to identify staleness based on a type's
not including its code, but we don't have a quick way to compute a
hash for type
structure yet?

I've added a TODO to revisit implementing an efficient hash of the type
File user/src/com/google/gwt/resources/ext/
* whether a configuration property by the same name exists.
On 2011/01/24 19:33:31, bobv wrote:
This sounds sloppy.

Well, this was current behavior (I didn't add).  Should it be removed?
I added the comment in the javadoc, to make it clear, as I noticed the
discrepancy in the description.
File user/src/com/google/gwt/resources/ext/ (right):
ClientBundleRequirements getRequirements();
On 2011/01/24 19:33:31, bobv wrote:
In order to compute the simple name of the implementing ClientBundle
type, it is
necessary to know all of the permutation properties that affect the
code.  If the requirements object can be accessed at arbitrary point
in time, it
would be possible to add a property requirement after the
GeneratorContext.tryCreate() call has been made.

Yeah, I suppose so.  Essentially now the Requirements class has 2 uses
(whereas before it only had one, the simple file name).  Now I'm also
using it for tracking selection/configuration properties and type
dependencies, for the purpose of checking cacheability.

FWIW, I don't see anywhere there where I've added calls to
"addPermutationAxis()" after the tryCreate call (but there are now
subsequent calls to requirements.AddConfigurationProperty() and
requirements.AddTypeHierarchy()). I think there was the danger anyway
prior to this change, that the Requirements object could have been
updated after the call to get the simple name.  I agree it's now easier
for someone to do so since it's part of the context.  But there is still
no guard against a code path that might take an alternate code path
based on a selection property after the simple name has been assigned.

I suppose we can add a call to disable any further updates to any new
permutationAxis entries.  E.g.
Requirements.disableFurtherPermutationAxisUpdates() (need a better
name!). And then throw an exception if anyone tries to add a
permutationAxis afterwards.  Although that may be restrictive, in that
it prevents selection properties being subsequently added to the set of
user/src/com/google/gwt/resources/ext/ *
interface can expect to call this method successfully.
On 2011/01/24 19:33:31, bobv wrote:
The implementation does not enforce this.

Well, the implementation will only have attempted to find the resources
for a CB if it's RG implements HFRD.  So, that's the only way that this
method can return with a non-null value.  I'll change the wording to
clarify (e.g. "Only RG's which implement HFRD can expect to retrieve
non-null data using this method".
public interface HasFindableResourceDependencies extends
On 2011/01/24 19:14:07, tobyr wrote:
It's cute, but is there actually a benefit to nesting this?

Hmmmm, well, there's no reason particularly, and god knows I don't want
to be cute.  I'll move it out.  That is if Bob doesn't convince me to
get rid of it altogether.
public interface HasFindableResourceDependencies extends
On 2011/01/24 19:33:31, bobv wrote:
Why is this interface necessary when accumulation of source files
could just as
easily be added to the Requirements interface?

Well, in fact I did add type dependency tracking to the Requirements
interface (addTypeHierarchy()).  Oh, I guess you were referring to
resource source files (and not source types)?

This interface is just a marker so that the generator can know if a
ResourceGenerator has resources which can be retrieved by calling
RGU.findResources (so it's not related to source type dependencies at
all).  This allows the main CB generator to find all the resources in
the task list up front, since they all need to be found in order to do
an up front check for staleness.  Some ResourceGenerators don't have
findable resources (but do support generator result caching), such as
GwtCreateResourceGenerator.  So, this interface allows the ACBGenerator
to distinguish between those it should find resources for, etc.

I thought about adding the resource dependencies to the Requirements,
but this would ultimately result in duplicating the process of calling
RGU.findResources.  This is because each individual RG would need to
call findResources for their own processing (as in the current code),
but then ACBGenerator would need to call findResources for each RG up
front the next time around if it sees it in the Requirements object.
Thus the inefficiency of calling findResources twice per resource.

One way around it, I suppose, would be to add a caching layer in the
ResourceContext and allow it to lazily call findResources, etc. for a
given JMethod.  That might make things a bit cleaner, I suppose.

But this would also imply the need to track all the resources found in
the generator's RebindCache.  Seems like unnecessary tracking when all
the information is available via the ClientBundle's method list.

for (JClassType superType : superTypes) {
On 2011/01/24 19:14:07, tobyr wrote:
Why is this for loop necessary? Doesn't getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy
do this?

yep...yep...Thanks for catching (seems a relic of an incomplete
if (!(type instanceof JRealClassType)) {
On 2011/01/24 19:14:07, tobyr wrote:
Under what situations does this occur?

Not sure, but all the api's via which we've retrieved types at this
point in the code, return a JClassType (and not a JRealClassType), so it
seems false to assume that we only will ever see a JRealClassType here
(even though it appears that is currently always the case).

On 2011/01/24 19:33:31, bobv wrote:
Extra whitespace, here and elsewhere.

CachedPropertyInformation cpi = new CachedPropertyInformation(logger,
On 2011/01/24 19:33:31, bobv wrote:
Use a builder pattern for this type, since the number of things that
dependencies is likely to increase in the future.

I'm not sure that's necessary here.  I've got separate objects for
tracking properties, and for tracking source type dependencies.  So, I
think the model is to add separate entries in the client data map (which
itself needs to be generic, since it's not specific to this one
generator type).
JRealClassType sourceRealType = (JRealClassType) sourceType;
On 2011/01/24 19:33:31, bobv wrote:
It would be more consistent with the rest of the API to cast to a
interface such as HasTypeSignature here, rather than using

Worth keeping in mind.  As we are still in the process of overhauling
the dev mode TypeOracleMediator, I'd like to hold off on defining a
"HasStrongTypeHash" interface, until we are sure this will be the final
version of the api.  We are likely to replace this with a more useful
getTypeStructureSignature() method.  Thus, I've added "EXPERIMENTAL"
language to the javadoc for the relevant methods in JRealClassType for
* Loop through each of our ResouceGenerator classes, and check those
On 2011/01/24 19:14:07, tobyr wrote:
s/that that/that

// use the jar file itself for the modified date test
On 2011/01/24 19:14:07, tobyr wrote:
Document why

logger, resourceContext, method);
On 2011/01/24 19:33:31, bobv wrote:
This is insufficient if the ResourceGenerator uses external resources
defined via an @Source annotation.

Perhaps we can discuss further.  My feeling is that if there's an
external resource for which we can't reliably check a
lastModifiedDate(), then that RG should not implement the
HasFindableResourceDependencies marker interface, in which case we won't
be in this code path (as currently that's the only way we are going
about checking cacheability).  Also, for any resource that doesn't
ultimately map to a "file://" protocol will be determined to be
uncacheable, in this initial version.  Perhaps in a subsequent version
we can be a bit more sophisticated and try alternate ways to detect
staleness for external resources (possibly by doing a quick hash on the
public final class ExternalTextResourceGenerator extends
On 2011/01/24 19:33:31, bobv wrote:
FYI: Unnur is also working on a change to ETRG that may affect its use

I'll consult with Unnur, thanks.


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