> Yeah this Type 1 style is really PITA in the long term, especially if
> views are a bit more complex.

I disagree; I actually prefer Type 1. Although to each their own, of

> However, with the release of UiBinder we constantly tell
> people/recommend to use the Type 2 style of MVP with UiBinder +
> @UiHandler and a delegate interface if they ask for MVP in
> gwt-discuss.

UiHandler makes inner classes 2 lines shorter, but IMO it still leads
to the same spaghetti code (reactive/imperative, instead of

Tessell's binding DSL makes simple/common operations one line
declarations (explicitly via Type 1-exposed widget interfaces, not
UiHandlers). E.g. I don't see how UiHandlers/Type 2 could be as
succinct as:


> So I think this argument looses some weight as probably no one really
> wants to do the type 1 way anymore and only a minority still choose
> it for new projects.

Well, that is unfortunate, as MVP Type 1 with Tessell's view generation
and binding DSL is quite pleasant. But, again, to each their own. :-)

> No need for GWTMockUtilities.disarm() or gwtmockito then.


- Stephen

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