On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Jim,


> Jim Freeze schrieb:
>> My comments are inline below.
> Of course, that's the way, quoting in mails should take place ;-)

Of course. :)

> But don't be surprised if GWT-applications are now popping up
> showing Google Maps with a crosshair pointing to a place
> near you ;-)

I'm writing this reply from under my desk. (My boss is looking at me
with a strange look on his face)

>> My favorite IDE is certainly not eclipse, and probably not the best to use
>> with Django. The server side can be quickly written and tested independent
>> of the client side. I consider that a plus.
> Is that a difference to the server-side of GWT? Especially
> the fact, that the RemoteServiceServlet is processing the
> HTTP-request and calls the different methods using reflection
> was one of the things that let me decide for GWT, because
> that way you can write a simple JUnit-test that is instantiating
> the servlet normally and calls the methods instead of building
> an HTTP-request to simulate a complete HTTP-server by using
> HTTPUnit (that differs to real servers leaving bugs that
> only appear after deployment).

Oh boy, you lost me. I'm not sure your point, but dynamic languages
have the ability to test the server side in a runtime environment.
I think the only difference is that dynamic languages don't compile.
Granted, that prevents some bugs, but not all bugs.

Can you re-phrase your question, but help me out about what you mean
when you start talking about Java server side things. I don't have
any experience with that side of the fence with Java.


Jim Freeze

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