Hi gregor

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:16 PM, gregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have to ask on what basis you presume to venture such forthright
> views on this post given that by your own admission you don't have
> either the knowledge or the experience to back them up. I understand
> that you like dynamic languages like python and ruby, that you prefer
> them to statically typed languages like Java, that you are comfortable
> with REST etc. Fine, that's your choice.

Based upon my experience with client side coding in Java, the comments I read
in this news group and my discussions with other Java programmers.

I really don't think there is going to be a magical reduction in the amount
of code required for the server as compared to the amount of code that
is required for the client, but I could be wrong. I haven't read it here
or anywhere else as an advantage.

I suppose I could ask you the same. What is your experience with dynamic
frameworks that you would presume that the Java experience is far superior?
(with my luck, you will have authored a dynamic language and written two
web frameworks for it).

> But that is not what this post is about. John (the OP) is asking a
> simple question: given he has a relatively simple back end (basically
> some database tables) and that he has decided to use GWT to develop
> the client, would it pay him to use Django to manage his DB
> transactions server side over using Java and JDBC?
> IMO the answer is almost certainly not, and to reiterate the reasons:
> 1) Each table definition can be mapped to a Data Transfer Object class
> (typically representing a row of a table) used both ends of the wire.
> In a simple case this is easily done using JDBC and the Data Access
> Object pattern.
> 2) The whole application can be debugged soup to nuts from Java from
> any IDE
> 3) GWT RPC is very fast, flexible and reliable, and DTO's (accessed
> from the DB via DAO's) are easily and efficiently retrieved and stored
> from GWT RPC Servlets.
> IMO these advantages trump any minor edge Django might give you over
> hand coding JDBC/SQL in Java for managing DB transactions for a system
> as John describes given you are going to use GWT for the client. The
> win (AFAIK) with Django/Python is when you use it for both client and
> server.

My response is that because GWT is a client side technology and that anyone
is free to belly up to the bar and drink from its goodness, that no language
has much of a case to say, use our framework, it is better. But, that seems
to be what you are saying. Your framework has advantages, my framework
has advantages. It's difficult to judge seeing as the value is in the eye of the
beholder. I hope I'm not communicating the 'mine is better' line. I hope that
I am communicating that there are alternatives to the Java server side, they
have complete tests, the code you write will be less and it will
develop in faster
time. Don't just drink the java coolaide. :)

> Jim, it's fine to argue for dynamic web languages and frameworks and
> REST over GWT/Java (although this is not the right group for it) but
> it seems to me your lack of experience in Java server side technology
> is causing unnecessary confusion here.

GWT is a client side framework. It works
with any type of back end. Many people get confused that you have to use
one type of backend. Well, you don't. And you may just be better off if
you don't use Java for server side. Maybe.

Jim Freeze

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