Did you deploy your compiled servlet? I don't see it listed in the stuff you
copied to tomcat/webapps/ServerTest.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Christopher Venning <

> I cannot seem to get the -noserver mode working with RPCs.  I got it
> to work in 1.4 but have changed environments in the last year.  There
> don't appear to be any Group postings about getting it going since 1.5
> was released.  Bruce Johnson's original posting (http://
> groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit/browse_thread/thread/
> 338c4b765d7dfc39<http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit/browse_thread/thread/338c4b765d7dfc39>)
> doesn't appear to be the 1.5-supported method, based
> on the current Developer's Guide (yes, I tried it anyways and
> failed).  Working off of
> http://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&t=FAQ_HostedModeNoServer
> ,
> Hosted Mode hooks in appropriately (changing Java code and refreshing
> the Hosted Browser changes content).  However, the RPCs fail.  I am
> probably doing something dumb, and would appreciate someone pointing
> that out.
> Relevant Environment: GWT 1.5.2, Eclipse 3.4.0, Tomcat 5.5.27, jdk
> 1.6u7, XP SP3
> Relevant Error
> ---
> Throwable type:
>  - com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.StatusCodeException
> Message content:
>  - html page from external Tomcat (has been confirmed)
>  - 404 report
>  - description: "The requested resource (/ServerTest/testService) is
> not available."
> Relevant module code
> ---
> from TestService.java (extends RemoteService):
> @RemoteServiceRelativePath("/testService")
> from ServerTest.gwt.xml:
> <servlet path="/testService" class="org.server.TestServiceImpl" />
> from ServerTest.launch (arguments):
> -noserver http://localhost:8080/ServerTest/ServerTest.html
> Sum Total of changes to Tomcat
> ---
> created %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/ServerTest
> copied into that directory (from compilation):
>  - clear.cache.gif
>  - history.html
>  - hosted.html
>  - org.ServerTest.nocache.js
>  - ServerTest.html
>  - 5BA8A5B3E35F40698BB0BF65F390BCF2.gwt.rpc
>  - 9DA92932034707C17CFF15F95086D53F.cache.png
>  - 548CDF11D6FE9011F3447CA200D7FB7F.cache.png
> >

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