Thanks Greogor for your reply. Sorry for keep asking quetion to you.
One important clarification I want from you.

The on-fly displaying PDF functionality I am poninting to my existing
servlet class not GWT RPC servlet by

String strURL = "http://localhost:9080/demo/ReportsControllerServlet?

After that I am passing to below method,

 The above one works as my BAU functionality. BUT  the same not works
in GWT Servlet.
This is one no problem for me  I am OK with the current approach.

In the above URL, the query string values are taken from session in my
existing application once user logs in into application.
For example, the URL is like

<a href="<%=(String) session.getAttribute(ApplicationConstant.BASE_URL)
%>"><img src="images<%=imagePath%>/buttonSmallExport.gif" border="0"></

Currently there are two portal(white labelling) where users logged
into this system, based on the user belongs to brand the URL will be
assigned in session of LoginControolerServlet from there all pages the
baseURL will be retrieved,

Also like other query string(UserPrefAsOfDateString)  also taken from
session as mentioned in the above URL.

Here in the existing application it is easy for getting session values
(JSP) and assigned as part of query string.

Would you please tell me how the same can be acheived in GWT client
How I can get those session values so that I can assign in


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