thank you all for your reply

On Mar 4, 3:55 pm, Lothar Kimmeringer <> wrote:
> mikedshaffer schrieb:
> > Agreed.  Some of the GWT Canvas work make some of this easier, but
> > over all, Javascript in a browser (which is what GWT is after all!)
> > isn't your best choice.
> The rendering itself shouldn't be much of a problem. 
> Since already worked on Netscape 2 (yes,
> the old stuff, not Firefox or Mozilla) I think you can do more
> or less everything, even something like the stack-application
> he linked in his OP.
> The biggest problem I see with the fact, that incoming data
> leads to an immediate rendering of a part of the page. So if
> two diggs are happening this lead to two "drops" tearing down
> at the same time, so you need something "Comet"-like that allows
> a push from the server to the client and a busy-wait-loop that
> renders the different drops step by step, changing CSS-properties
> for the fade-in/fade-out effect of the links that are shown
> below (the latter is already available with third-party).
> The busy-wait solution is what makes me suspicious that GWT
> is the right choice for that. With Flash or Java or whatever
> the implementation is easy. As soon a new entry has been
> received from the server a Thread is fired up that handles
> the fade-in/-out and tearing down of the drop. As soon as the
> rendering of that drop is finished, the Thread dies.
> In a singlethreaded environment you have to keep an array of
> currently to be rendered elements with their current rendering
> states (e.g. element 1 has teared down 25% of the distance,
> element 2 30% etc.). The busy waiting loop checks that array
> for elements to be rendered and renders the next nessecary
> step for each element. I'm quite sure that you don't need to
> worry about you coffee getting cold if you place your cup
> next to the heat-sink of your computer ;-)
> >  Flash (which they used) or an applet (java or
> > whatever Microsoft is calling an activex control these days...) would
> > make your life easier.
> Agreed
> Regards, Lothar
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