(BTW- Thanks for the corrections on my previous email.)

I'm looking on slide 47, with this code:

    public void execute(final UpdateContact update,
            final AsyncCallback<GetContactsResponse> cb) {
        realService.execute(update, new
AsyncCallback<UpdateContactResponse>() {
            public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

            public void onSuccess(UpdateContactResponse result) {
                ContactChangeEvent e = new ContactChangeEvent(update

The icon in the upper right seems to indicate this is either in your RPC
implementation or in the class that calls it.

I can't watch the video right now, but I don't see the significance of
having "realService" or the "UpdateContactResponse"

Also in the cb.onSuccess(result), result is of the wrong type.  What exactly
is going on here?

I've been creating a skeleton project using all I can from several online
examples.  So far it's using the MVP with presenters bound to interfaces, a
singleton HandlerManager eventbus using custom Events, and a simple RPC
using the command pattern, i.e.:

public interface NumberServiceAsync {
    public static NumberServiceAsync RPC = GWT.create(NumberService.class);

    <T extends Response> void execute(Action<T> action,
            AsyncCallback<T> callback);


All I want it to do is given a maximum integer you input, display a random
integer up to that value. (for a proof of the concepts)
So far I'm up to 27 classes, not quite done yet.  I'm not using
inline/anonymous interfaces or callbacks.

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