The idea was, to prevent the existences of 'war/*' in my GWT project. With
the current stable version of the plugin and GWT 1.7.1 everything works
So the problem is, that my GWT project does not have any server code and no
host page or anything else. The current version works the following way:

   - GWT (Web App launch configuration) app is launched in hosted mode
   without the build in server.
   - Instead of a host page in the same project, the host page comes from an
   independent server.
   - The hosted browser loads the host page (from the specified URL),
   detects the existence of a GWT module (included as JavaScript) and replaces
   the JavaScript with the Java Code from the classpath.

The interesting point is, that the text field to specify the URL is removed
from the GWT tab in the web app launch configuration (plugin version for GWT
2.0 RC2). So the question is, how can I point the OOPHM to my host page's
URL (on any server)?

At least some words on what I'm currently doing in Eclipse 3.5 with the
released version of the plugin and GWT 1.7.1:
I've got a plain Java project and make a GWT project out of it by right
click on the project -> Google -> WebToolkit Settings. In these GWT settings
I check 'Use Google Web Toolkit' and then OK. This makes my Java project a
GWT project. I create a new Web App launch configuration for this project,
disable 'Run build in server' and on the GWT tab I insert my host pages URL
That's it. It works.
Interestingly it's not required to specify any GWT module in any
configuration so far. The presence of the module's XML configuration on the
classpath and the presence of a previously compiled version of the module in
the loaded HTML page is enough to tell hosted browser, what to do. The GWT
Eclipse plugin doesn't even recognize the XML file since the included module
isn't shown in any settings or configuration interface. But it works.

Jan Ehrhardt

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Chris Ramsdale <> wrote:

> Based on the fact that the plugin is attempting to launch GWTShell, it may
> not recognize your app as a "web app". This is typically the case when it
> doesn't find a war/WEB-INF/web.xml file in the project root. Can you confirm
> that this directory structure is in place? Also, what version of GWT and GPE
> were you using to previously build your application?
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:56 AM, Jan Ehrhardt 
> <>wrote:
>> I'm using the Web App launch configuration and the plugin version, which
>> is linked on the GWT 2.0 RC2 wiki page
>> Regards
>> Jan Ehrhardt
>> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Chris Ramsdale <>wrote:
>>> As a follow-up, are you using Web App Launch configurations or regular
>>> Java launch configurations? Also would you mind checking which version of
>>> the Google Eclipse Plugin you have installed? You can do this via
>>> Help->Install New Software and clicking on the "already installed" link in
>>> the lower right hand corner.
>>> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Chris Ramsdale <>wrote:
>>>> Jan,
>>>> The -style argument has been removed when running in "development" mode
>>>> (formerly "hosted" mode). It is now configurable via the UI or an Ant
>>>> property when you compile your code. The UI settings are available by right
>>>> clicking on the project name, selecting Google->GWT Compile. From the
>>>> resulting view you will see options for "Log level" and "Output style". In
>>>> order to set the output style via Ant, add the following to your build.xml
>>>> file under the "gwtc" target:
>>>> <arg value="-style"/>
>>>> <arg value="PRETTY"/>
>>>> What other error are you seeing when specifying the "codeServerPort"?
>>>> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Jan Ehrhardt <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm currently looking how our existing project can be updated to GWT
>>>>> 2.0 when it's released, but I'm running into some trouble.
>>>>> We use Eclipse with the Google plugin and currently we've got one web
>>>>> project, which will be started as a web project running on an Eclipse 
>>>>> server
>>>>> runtime. This runtime can be a Tomcat or a WebSphere. We've got another
>>>>> project, which contains the GWT stuff. Our GWT launch configuration is 
>>>>> done
>>>>> with the following properties:
>>>>>    - Run internal server is deselected
>>>>>    - The GWT URL is pointed to 'http://localhost:8080/our-app'
>>>>> This worked well. We've to compile the GWT project once to JavaScript
>>>>> contained in the web project. We launch the Eclipse server runtime on '
>>>>> http://localhost:8080/' and then we start our hosted browser. The
>>>>> hosted browser detects to module contained in the page '
>>>>> http://localhost:8080/our-app' and replaces it with the stuff
>>>>> contained in our GWT project.
>>>>> Now I've installed GWT 2.0 RC2 and the required version of the plugin.
>>>>> I've changed the GWT SDK in the project properties. The first point was,
>>>>> that the text field for inserting my external URL was gone. Additionally, 
>>>>> I
>>>>> got the following Error:
>>>>> Unknown argument: -style
>>>>> Google Web Toolkit 2.0.0-rc2
>>>>> GWTShell [-noserver] [-port port-number | "auto"] [-whitelist
>>>>> whitelist-string] [-blacklist blacklist-string] [-logdir directory]
>>>>> [-logLevel level] [-gen dir] [-codeServerPort port-number | "auto"] [-out
>>>>> dir] [url]
>>>>> where
>>>>>   -noserver        Prevents the embedded web server from running
>>>>>   -port            Specifies the TCP port for the embedded web server
>>>>> (defaults to 8888)
>>>>>   -whitelist       Allows the user to browse URLs that match the
>>>>> specified regexes (comma or space separated)
>>>>>   -blacklist       Prevents the user browsing URLs that match the
>>>>> specified regexes (comma or space separated)
>>>>>   -logdir          Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as
>>>>> graphically
>>>>>   -logLevel        The level of logging detail: ERROR, WARN, INFO,
>>>>>   -gen             Debugging: causes normally-transient generated types
>>>>> to be saved in the specified directory
>>>>>   -codeServerPort  Specifies the TCP port for the code server (defaults
>>>>> to 9997)
>>>>>   -out             The directory to write output files into (defaults
>>>>> to current)
>>>>> and
>>>>>   url              Automatically launches the specified URL
>>>>> I tried some other configuration like adding the URL as a program
>>>>> argument, which brought another error.
>>>>> Can anybody tell me how to configure this scenario in the correct way?
>>>>> Or won't there be any possibility with GWT 2.0?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Jan Ehrhardt
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