Okay, next try (I've read your post this time ;)).

You want to cast a JavaScriptObject to an Element. You can... but it's
a bad idea. A Widget needs an Element because it offer some DOM
manipulation. Providing a JSO may lead to strange behavior. You need
to write a clean GWT wrapper around jqPlot.

For your current problem, "$ is not defined", are you sure you have
included the jqPlot library? Using the FireBug's console, can you
access the "$" (try "typeof($)")?


On 9 juin, 13:04, Rizen <vianney.dep...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've already tried but it's exactly the same problem.
> Here is a part of the error log :
> [...]
> com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (ReferenceError): $ is
> not defined
>  fileName:
>  lineNumber: 4
>  stack: ()@
> [...]

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