Thank you very much for this explication. However I had already added
a <div id="chart1"></div> Element into the HTML page to be sure that
it was adding correctly. But I will use your method for the wrapper.

After this I make two different test.
First I used only the JQuery library with a simple "$wnd.$
('#chart1').text('Salut');". It works perfectly and Salut has been
added inside the div Element.

The same method just replacing the code with the chart's code print
the error message : $ is not defined. So it seems that the problem
comes from jqPlot only. I developped also a simple HTML page with the
chart's code and all is ok. As a result my external jqPlot file
doesn't have some problems (hopefully).

So now I don't know if there is a conflict between JQuery and jqPlot,
but I'm going to make some others test.
Thank you.

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