
On Jun 22, 3:36 pm, Andrew Hughes <ahhug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Almost all of the "problem's" listed below are bad advice and I suggest you
> disregard them.

Do you, or others, have any valid arguments (opinions are no valid

I am not going to do things the wrong or the poor way just because
most people are doing so.

> The main problem I have with UiBinder is that when you try and use it with
> the MVP architecture "best practice", you have to boilerplate all the
> parent/child (view) widget's. Which means you'll see a lot of.....

I am explaining the long story about my lessons I learned.

The problem with any pure declarative language is that you reached the
dead end of separation.
Either a dedicated aspect of separation is build in, or you are lost.
There is always a tradeof where declarative languages will become more
complex than an imperative one.

UiBuilder is a pure declarative language.

Let us look at CSS as a simple pure declarative language for example.
Consider there are two aspects/concern defining an value.
aspect 1) general theming. you want a certain padding
aspect 2) behaviour, you want to simulate a pressed state. Therefore
you need to change padding depending on the state

With a imperative language ("java") you would just combine/add both
With a language like css either this is supported or not. In css it is
not, bad luck.
(CSS3 supports a little imperativity with calc, but only FF is
supporting this somehow)

And the pure declarative language CSS 2.1 still fails to support some
simpliest common needs.
Remember all the time the topic of centering widget is coming up.

UiBinder fails the same way. It limits always your capabilities as a
developer. Either a concept is explicitly supported, or you are lost.

There are other ways to be more declarative. One way is to use fluent
interfaces. Than you use both declarative and imperative approaches,
and can switched to the one which is more appropriate

the way I am currently using is to define interfaces and use
The input looks like the interfaces at the end of this mail.
It defines a dialog with 2 subdialog.

To create you need just.
LogonDialog logon = GWT.create(LogonDialog.class);
logon.setI18N (..Constants);

Accessing is a easy as
  String text = logon.eingabe.eMail().getText()

Let us compare this approach with UiBinder

generator: only one annotated interface for deferred binding
UiBinder: class and UiBinder.XML with XMTL, CSS and WidgetsTags

generator: layout automatically according css-style and annotations
UiBinder: dialog designer does it manually.

generator: i18n constant change at any time
UiBinder: i18n per compilation

generator: automatic labeling, yes
UiBinder: automatic labeling, no

generator: styles based theming
UiBinder: styles based on accident

generator: widgets, any with a default constructor
UiBinder: some widgets

generator: consistent layout is automatically asured
UiBinder: layout by accident/capability of the designer

generator: debugging: yes, pure java
UiBinder: no chance

Open questions with UiBinder
* how to deal when the themes
* how to use it a input for further code generation (I think no way)

Capabilities with generator approach
* rules are in the generator, one place
* control combined widgets (text + label for example making both
* input is usable for further code generation
* generate controller code, too (input DialogInterface and an
interface defining a domain/app/session object)
* generate request code, too
* generate client cache code, too
* ...

UiBinder is for the one how like to stay in a death end.

When you want to generate boiler plate code,
you need to get rid of UiBinder.

Stefan Bachert

public interface LogonDialog extends DialogInterface {

    static interface Eingabe extends DialogInterface {

        public TextBox eMail ();

        public PasswordTextBox kennwort ();

        public PasswordTextBox kennwortWiederholung ();

        public void setI18N (Lokalisierung pI18N);

    static interface Schaltflaeche extends DialogInterface {

        public Button anmelden ();

        public Button kennwortVergessen ();

        public Button registrieren ();

        public void setI18N (Lokalisierung pI18N);

    public Eingabe eingabe ();

    @NewLine (LineBreak.BREAKEND)
    public Schaltflaeche schaltflaechen ();

    @Height (3)
    @NewLine (LineBreak.BREAKEND)
    public HTML meldung ();

    @Width (-400)
    public HTML hinweise ();

    public void setI18N (Lokalisierung pI18N);

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