Hi everyone,

*Really short version*: I'd like suggestions on possible libraries/
projects to provide/develop the user registration/login/sessions
within a GWT site. Off-the-shelf solutions are ok, too.

Now some more details about my project:

I'm a novice GWT user currently in the preliminary "tech analysis"
stage of a site development project, i.e. I am trying to identify the
libraries and components to use along GWT to speed up the development.

The core of my project is to let users register on my site, fill in
some form fields with some personal data, and then use a search
function to find users with matching data.

I'm currently thinking about using a MySQL DB to hold all user data,
and develop all site functionalities with GWT. The thing I'm missing
is what to use to handle user registration/login/sessions. With some
searching I found:
- the Acegi security project, suggested in GWT tutorials;
- the Apache Shiro project, which seems not compatible with GWT due to
client code translation issues.

It looks like using Acegi requires a lot of design&dev time, and
serious security-oriented skills, while I'm looking for something
possibly more "off-the-shelf", which would wrap the user management in
a simple way, or even provide a basic implementation of user
registration and session functionality. Also an open, simple "CMS-
like" project which I could expand and customize with GWT is
acceptable, since site design is now only at the early functional
study and is hence very flexible.

Any suggestion would be really appreciated.


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