Hi Rajeev!

> > I always installed eclipse as root, i. e. extracting the tar archive
> > as root into /usr/local/eclipse and changing the ownership of all
> > files and folders to root.
> You shouldn't need to change the ownership. If you're really extracting the
> files as root, then they are already owned by root.

drwxr-sr-x  3 root        root  4096 2010-07-18 05:07 .
drwxr-sr-x 12 root        root  4096 2010-07-12 19:10 ..
drwxrwsr-x  9 Debian-exim users 4096 2010-06-17 17:15 eclipse

I would not have changed the ownership if it were root already.
However, changing the ownership to root should not make a difference
if it were root already.

> > I always used eclipse as a normal user by calling /usr/local/eclipse/
> > eclipse.
> May I recommend using update-alternatives? You can keep several Eclipse
> versions side-by-side

Thank you for this recommendation, but I don't see a relation to the
upgrade problem?

> > I always install new eclipse plugin within eclipse running as a normal
> > user.
> That's probably the source of the problem, Install the plugin as root.
> Always update Eclipse as root.

Ok, this sounds comprehensible.

Do you mean that during the upgrade files are downloaded and stored
under the eclipse directory folder, which is owned by root and that
the files cannot be written?

Then, how do you explain that:
- the initial installation of the plugin always works
- I never received an error message caused by file permission problems
- the upgrade only failed with GWT?

> This means starting Eclipse as root, and running "add new software"

Is this documented somewhere? It seems strange to me that Eclipse
should not be able to check if it's running as root or check the file
permissions when the user initiates an upgrade and present an error
message to the user.

> > This always worked, except with the GWT plugin. I would be glad if I
> > knew why...
> I think that 3.6 tightened up on some permissions. I'm not really sure.


Thank you!


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