On Nov 28, 2:38 pm, Rajeev Dayal <rda...@google.com> wrote:

> Yes, such resources will be wiped out. What's actually happening here is
> that GPE is using WTP's "smart publish" functionality to publish J2EE
> modules  to the target/ directory.
> So, in the source of launching, GPE performs a WTP publish. The WTP publish
> will copy any J2EE modules that it knows about over to the target/
> directory, which means that all of your resources in src/main/webapp will be
> copied over properly. If you're got Maven's integration with WTP installed,
> then the target/WEB-INF/lib directory will contain all of the libraries that
> are in the runtime scope which are defined in your pom.xml file.
> However, the publish is a "smart" one - so if any resources to be published
> already exist in the target/ directory and are unchanged, the copy of that
> file is not performed. In addition, if any resources are found in the
> target/ directory that the publisher did not mean to create, then they are
> deleted.
> In the next version of GPE, I think we'll consider either:
> 1) Allow the user to specify which folders should remain untouched during a
> smart publish
> 2) Switch over to a "full publish" - that will leave resources that are
> unknown alone.

Hi Rajeev, after working with Eclipse, Maven, and GPE 1.4 I've noticed
a few more things:

I'm now working with STS 2.5 (and ... some GWT) and Maven, and I'm
still running into the same problem.   My original problem seems to be
more of a Maven/Eclipse interaction issue.  Eclipse-clean !=
mvn:clean, and sometimes publishing an app to a Spring tc server in
Eclipse (and, btw, to the Jetty server in GPE) it fails to copy over
resources in target/<foo> that mvn:package is supposed to copy over.

Lesson learned: be sure if you ever do a mvn:clean to do an Eclipse
project clean, and rebuild from Eclipse (and a GWT compile....) before
doing a mvn:package .  This should keep the two environments in sync,
and the right things should copy over.

I'd rather not suffer a 12-permutation (&tc) GWT compile if I don't
have to, so I hope your recommendations bear fruit.

- C

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