I am not dismissing your scenarios outright as I never said that the method
was foolproof and I also said that only SSL will give you something close to

Also lets not forget that if the user manages to be lured to an attackers
site via a link in an email for instance and then doesn't notice that they
are then redirected to another site then they have bigger problems than
having their session hijacked lol.

However, there are ways to mitigate even the cross-subdomain attack that you
use as an example...

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is where you fail to understand me: you make the assumption that the
> "authentication process" takes place, while I'm talking about bypassing it
> with a session-fixation attack.

I understood perfectly, Thomas. To reiterate, the attacker will have had to
authenticate in order to acquire a valid sid which he then stores and waits
in prey for the user to respond to his email with a link to his site. When
the user takes the bait and visits the attacker's site the attacker
redirects the user to another site including the sid as a query parameter.

One possible scenario (easily mitigated through the use of your own domain
> name):
> *Attacker*: authenticates to victim.example.com, grabs the cookies in use,
> store them at attacker.example.com (note: same domain, different
> subdomains, much like appspot.com hosted apps)

At this point the request hits the server and the session id is set the
query parameter, the same one as the attackers. This attack can be mitigated
by changing the session ID when users logs in and to additionally require
the user to authenticate on every important request. A pain in the rear for
the user of course but it will largely work. The fact that it does work is
due to the reluctance to require users to log in for every important

Sure enough, even if you used SSL it would require that every request uses
it in order to be close to 100% protected from this kind of attack. The only
sites I know that do that are some banks. I believe Citibank does for
instance. Interestingly I believe Facebook announced that they will be
rolling this out to all their members. It will be interesting to see how it
affects the performance of their site.

Perhaps requiring every one to use SSL for every request is the right
approach. Maybe we should all be going in that direction but service
providers might be loathe to provide this service as it adds additional
demands on their servers that they might not be able to handle and the users
might complain because of the increased latency.

Perhaps using HttpOnly headers would also mitigate this kind of attack. I
don't think App Engine supports it though but I wish it did.

The bottom line is this, it really comes down to a multi-faceted approach to
security. One big wall isn't going to cut it and the more obstacles put up
the less chances are that some malcontent will be successful.

*Jeff Schwartz*
follow me on twitter: @jefftschwartz

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