I recently also tried to get GWT-RPC going and after a while just gave-up, 
knowing that in a way I didn't really want it.

I had the opportunity to prepare a talk on our experiences using GWT and 
GAE recently, and one of the strong points I pushed was DevMode and the 
integrated server-RPC-client and shared-code development paradigm and 
debugging client and server code together in Eclipse, all in the same 
language, with breakpoints in server, client or shared code called by 
either side, hot-code replacement, variable viewing etc etc.

IMHO, SuperDev is not the fix for this, and GWT is exploring a path (Source 
maps, browser debug, etc) that breaks one of the best and distinguishing 
points of GWT.

If maintaining the DevMode plug-in for all browsers was a pain, then at 
least maintain it, and a great GWT debug experience, for ONE browser.....

now which one would it be....ehmmm..... maybe the leading one - Chrome - 
ooooo - also made by Google, what a great idea!

Come on GWT guys at Google!!! 

Double-down on the great GWT DevMode run (without compile!) and debug 
experience, and keep it great or make it greater and don't force us to go 
to SuperDevMode, source maps and debugging server code in IDE and client 
code in browser!!!

Even invest some time to make it better, and less of a memory hog....

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