I am really enjoying SuperDevMode.  My desire is to program to the browser, 
not to a high-level GWT api.  I've build an MVP framework on top of lower 
level browser api's, so no UI Binder, no request factory, no GWT widgets. 
 Compiles are fast.  Debugging in Chrome works well.  There are some things 
to get used-to, and I generally prefer the IDE debugger's ui, but debugging 
the actual code in the actual execution environment at full speed is a big 
benefit.  I can make changes to html or css and simply reload the page and 
I'm debugging again in 2 seconds.  If I step a little too far in the code, 
I can reload and I'm debugging again in 2 seconds.  If I change a line of 
Java code, I need to recompile, but that takes about 5 seconds in my app. 
 So SuperDevMode and source maps are ideal for me.  If feel like I'm 
getting the productivity of a Javascript work flow and the structure and 
code-reliability of Java.


On Wednesday, November 14, 2012 11:35:59 AM UTC-8, Clint Gilbert wrote:
> Hash: SHA1 
> On 11/14/2012 09:47 AM, Andrew Mackenzie wrote: 
> > 
> > IMHO, SuperDev is not the fix for this, and GWT is exploring a 
> > path (Source maps, browser debug, etc) that breaks one of the best 
> > and distinguishing points of GWT. 
> > 
> Agreed.  The inability to debug using an IDE makes super dev mode a 
> non-starter for me. 
> SDM solves a problem for the browser plugin maintainers, which I 
> completely understand, but it creates problems for users like me. 
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