#31: data elements for ALS cohort characterization
 Reporter:  dconnolly                |       Owner:  jhe
     Type:  design-issue             |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                    |   Milestone:  survey-redcap-als
Component:  data-stds                |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  als-cohort methods-core  |  Blocked By:  63
 Blocking:                           |

Comment (by dconnolly):

 In section 5.0  Data management and case report forms of the protocol
 (attached to #208):

   The following EMR data will be included for analysis: age, gender, race,
 ethnicity, living situation, occupation, and years of education.

 I don't know where living situation, occupation, and years of education
 are expected to come from. They're not on the current survey draft, and
 they're not in any of the currently planned GPC ontologies.

 In section 6.0  Biostatistical Approach: Outcome Measures, Data Analysis
 and Power:

   ... Basic descriptive statistics will be used to describe the overall
 ALS clinic cohort: including basic demographics (age, gender, race,
 ethnicity, living situation, occupation, years of education) and
 functional burden as identified by survey response (clinical diagnosis,
 and functional status).

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