#31: data elements for ALS cohort characterization
 Reporter:  dconnolly                |       Owner:  jhe
     Type:  design-issue             |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major                    |   Milestone:  survey-redcap-als
Component:  data-stds                |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  als-cohort methods-core  |  Blocked By:  63
 Blocking:                           |

Comment (by jhe):

 Wendy sent a report on ALS comobidities and complications to John on
 Friday Feb 06, 2015. John provided the list of ICD-9 codes comorbidities
 related to Charlson comobidity index and Jeff provided the list of ICD-9
 codes for more ALS relevant comobidities and complications (Wendy and Siya
 together completed the work). Cohort characterization for ALS cohort will
 stop for now to focus on the Breast cancer cohort.

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