#263: Adaptable cohort query design and administration
 Reporter:  nateapathy    |       Owner:  rwaitman
     Type:  design-issue  |      Status:  new
 Priority:  minor         |   Milestone:  adaptable-accrual
Component:  data-stds     |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  276
 Blocking:                |
Changes (by bzschoche):

 * cc: schandaka (added)


 From the ADAPTABLE protocol draft released Aug 12, 2015, pp. 20-21. (see
 attachment:"ADAPTABLE Protocol_081215.docx")

 Inclusion / Exclusion criteria:
 1. Known atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), defined by a
 history of prior myocardial infarction, prior coronary angiography showing
 ≥75% stenosis of at least one epicardial coronary vessel, or prior
 coronary revascularization procedures (either PCI or CABG)
 2. Age ≥ 18 years
 3. No known safety concerns or side effects considered to be related to
 aspirin, including
  - No history of significant allergy to aspirin such as anaphylaxis,
 urticaria, or significant gastrointestinal intolerances
  - No history of recent upper gastrointestinal events including a
 symptomatic gastric or duodenal ulcer or an upper gastrointestinal
 bleeding event within the past 12 months
  - Significant bleeding disorders that preclude the use of aspirin
 4. Access to the Internet or agreement to collect follow-up information by
 the DCRI Call Center from patients without Internet access
 5. Not currently treated with an oral anticoagulant – either warfarin or a
 novel anticoagulant (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban) – and
 not planned to be treated in the future with an oral anticoagulant for
 indications such as atrial fibrillation, deep venous thrombosis, or
 pulmonary embolism.
 6. Female patients who are not pregnant or nursing an infant
 7. Estimated risk of a major cardiovascular event (MACE) > 8% over next 3
 years as defined by the presence of at least one or more of the following
 enrichment factors:
  - Age > 65 years
  - Known serum creatinine > 1.5 mg/dL
  - Diabetes mellitus
  - Known 3-vessel coronary artery disease
  - Known cerebrovascular disease and/or peripheral arterial disease
  - Known left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 50%
  - Current cigarette smoker.
 8. Able and willing to provide informed consent and agreeing to be
 followed through the Internet and/or through calls by the DCRI Call Center
 for the duration of the trial (maximum expected follow-up of 30 months)

 There will be no exclusions for any upper age limit, comorbid conditions,
 or concomitant medications other than oral anticoagulants that are used at
 the time of randomization or are planned to be used during the study

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