
2015-02-21 23:00 GMT+01:00 Vaclav Petras <wenzesl...@gmail.com>:

> * `grass` - latest stable release
> * `grass6` - latest stable release of 6.x series
> * `grass-daily` - daily build of trunk

this proposal seems to be a good compromise to me. I will change
osgeo4w layout in this way.

> In my suggestion I suppose that we don't need to package daily builds of
> current release branch (now 70). However, I'm not sure how to deal with
> betas and RCs. Should they be also accessible just through standalone
> installer? Or are they considered as "latest stable release" and thus for
> example, 7.0.1RC1 would replace 7.0.0 in package `grass`?

I would vote for second option, so 7.0.1RC1 will replace 7.0.0 and so on. Martin

Martin Landa
grass-dev mailing list

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