>>>>> "NA" == Nikos Alexandris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>> "IS" == Ivan Shmakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>> "NA" == Nikos Alexandris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 NA> There is a handy tool called HEG [HDF-EOS To GeoTIFF Conversion
 NA> Tool] with which one can convert HDF files into .tif.


 NA> Could it be useful for GRASS?

 IS> Yes.  However, please note that it's not free software (as defined
 IS> by, e. g., DFSG [1]) nor open source (as defined by OSD [2].)

 NA> Hello Ivan.

 NA> Well,

 NA> thank you for all of the information.

 NA> If it is really not for free, then it does not satisfy my needs.

        It's ``for free'' (as in ``free beer'', i. e., free of charge),
        but it isn't free software.  They aren't providing source code,
        for example.

 NA> I will have to find an alternative way.

 NA> But I didn't find any statement anywhere in the official page about
 NA> non-free. I want to complete a work using exclusively free tools
 NA> (and if possible open-source as well).

        Please make it clear, whether you want free software tools
        (``free'' as in ``freedom''), or just ``freeware'' (free of
        charge, as in ``free beer''.)

 NA> I understand that it is not open-source which is different from
 NA> cost-free.

        And it is not free software (as in ``freedom'') as well.

 NA> Anyway, while contacting with ... I got his response (in which he
 NA> offers to give the code if needed). This is why I considered that
 NA> it could be interesting for programmers maybe. Here is his reply:

 AT> "Nikos,

 AT> It looks like that we have a bug in the grid stitching code (I was
 AT> able to duplicate your result). We will fix it as soon as possible
 AT> (if you really need the grid stitching code please let me
 AT> know). Since you are converting only one file, you do not need grid
 AT> stitching code. Just use conversion GUI (the one that appears when
 AT> you open HEG. Do not select Stitch/Subset from Tool Menu). I tried
 AT> the conversion and it worked fine for TM projection. One problem
 AT> that I noticed was that in this projection the output file (the
 AT> grid) for the product you are using is huge. Although the
 AT> conversion produced the output HDF file for me, I was not able to
 AT> open it with HDFView because of its size. Once I made another
 AT> conversion putting (5000, 5000) meters for the pixel size (about 10
 AT> times the actual pixel size in X-Y directions), then the size of
 AT> the file was suitable for opening by HDFView.  You may not need to
 AT> adjust your pixel size since you want tif output.

        I don't see anything about the source code here, is it the reply
        you've mentioned above?

        And, once again, I'd prefer to use some PROJ.4-based converter,
        so that, in particular, the choice for the target projection
        would be much wider.


 IS> [1] http://www.debian.org/social_contract
 IS> [2] http://www.opensource.org/docs/osd

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