Hi Ivan,

On Wednesday 14 November 2007 13:27:27 Ivan Shmakov wrote:
> >>>>> Jose Gomez-Dans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>         Does that tool process HDF-EOS swaths (e. g., MODIS Level 2
> or AIRS Level 2), or does it require MODIS grid data (e. g., MODIS
> Level 3)?  Which products you've tried the tool on?
>         Reprojecting and subsetting of HDF-EOS grid data is, indeed,
>         straight-forward, and usually could be done with, e. g.,
>         gdalwarp(1).  Not so for the swath data.

You're quite right. I only consider Level 3 and 4 products. Swath 
products do need more effort, although form the NEWS at gdal, support 
for lower level MODIS data is available since 1.1.19 (from 

 o HDF Driver: Added support for Hyperion Level 1, Aster Level 1A/1B/2, 
MODIS Level 1B(earth-view)/2/3, SeaWIFS Level 3. 

What do you use to work with these data? It'd be interesting to know.


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