>>>>> Jose Gomez-Dans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 >> There is a handy tool called HEG [HDF-EOS To GeoTIFF Conversion
 >> Tool] with

 >> which one can convert HDF files into .tif. It can be used to create
 >> subsets as well. The tool has two modes: a. stitching/subset modus
 >> and b.  conversion modus.

 > I have written a small tool in Python that makes use of gdal (among
 > others) to subset and reproject HDF-EOS files. into GeoTIFFFs (or
 > GRASS images, for that matter)

        Does that tool process HDF-EOS swaths (e. g., MODIS Level 2 or
        AIRS Level 2), or does it require MODIS grid data (e. g., MODIS
        Level 3)?  Which products you've tried the tool on?

 > I keep meaning to upload it somewhere, but... It is fairly trivial to
 > do though. There's good information on that in the gdal mailing list.

        Reprojecting and subsetting of HDF-EOS grid data is, indeed,
        straight-forward, and usually could be done with, e. g.,
        gdalwarp(1).  Not so for the swath data.

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