never expect Dalit bureaucracy to be better than that of the
such an essentialist approach emntng from thh binary of good/bad is
reservation limits to the question of equal opportunities/representation

and it would be typical leftist kind argument that Dalits after climbing the
ladder of success forget those who r at the bottom.. and including Ambedkar
and mayavati in that list seems so ahistoric and reason
for mayavati's victory is her grass root connection..
without ambedkar's tryst with modernity and his contrbution to the
post-modern cultural  discourse, Dalits would ve been nowhere... the
emancipatory terrain with which dalits in rural/urban/semi urban India move
ahead has been constructd by visionaries such as Ambedkar.. but it s not an
end in itself..
struggles of the marginalised DAlits/adivasis are the potentials grounds for
socil transfrmation
and it carry forward the subaltern theorsations of social chjange

On 3/24/08, Murali K Warier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > While I am at a loss to understand how to do away with the values that
> govern this development paradigm, the least I can hope is that mainstreaming
> Dalits and Adivasis is going to seriously affect the 10% GDP growth (in any
> case, its not a true representative of growth of the people)
> Did you mean in a positive way or negative way? I think it can affect only
> in a positive way, that is, the GDP growth will go beyond 10%, as more and
> more people participate in the economy, who were previously denied this
> opportunity.
> By the way, the 9% growth is widely inclusive, unlike what the Left would
> have us believe, but that is hardly sufficient. Take a look at this:
> > This requires mass take-over of institutions, whether you do it through
> reservations or anything else.
> What do you mean by 'institutions'? Government institutions? Private
> industry? Private property? Whatever it is, this (mass takeover) is nothing
> but a prescription for disaster. The communists tried it, and the results
> are there for anybody to see. Zimbabwe is the latest example of what such
> social engineering experiments could achieve.
> Best regards,
> Murali.
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Rohit Shetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Liberty, if it means anything, is the right to tell people what they don't
> want to hear.
> >

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