<"Critique of Mayavati is needed from the dalit perspective..."

What other perspective you find here, in connection with my reference,
which was actually made in the context of an existing  stream of
criticism , which equally stakes  claim for  dalit perspective?  This
was made against Mayavathi/BSP  for the too obvious ideological
compromise with the Manu-ites, and there is enough reason to consider
that this criticism, notwithstanding the  jubilations for
Mayavathi ,is not without a dalit perspective.
 It is not anything new  that the BSP had made its debut appearance in
the arena of electoral politics in India in the 1980s riding itself on
the Ambedkarite vision, giving expression to the dalits' collective
will of smashing the prisons of caste created by Manuvadis. Thanks to
the combined effect of the Mandal and Masjid,  the party could grow in
strength since the late 80s. It surprised most of the political
analysts when the BSP could share power with the emerging hard core
brahmanic right wing, anti-mandal and anti-muslim party, in total
disregard of the  ideological polarity between the two.
After not being able to cope with the contradicting interests from
within the alliance, the BSP had soon to part ways with the BJP . If
the people of India had not risen to the occasion in 2004 to rout the
BJP &  NDA, it could be anybody's guess whether the BSP would have
liked to share power with the BJP at the Union level by offering a
handful of seats the NDA might be short of support to form a
Viewed against this background and in an emphatically asserted dalit
perspective too, one can very well say that the quoted slogan (brahman
sankh bajaayega, haathi age badaayega)raised by the BSP for securing
power in UP clearly indicated serious digression from  the path of
criticising Brahmanism, and hence, the logical backtracking from any
serious critique of caste itself.
What exactly conforms to dalit perspective may be debatable not only
among  dalits, but also among all sections concerned with the struggle
against the tyranny of caste and gender.
One thing I wish to agree with Ranju (as obvious from his postings,
though he hadn't used the same expressions), is that tailing BSP &
Mayavathi without any criticism is not  same as fighting Brahmanism
and following the thoughts of Dr.Ambedkar.
 The other points you've raised against the arbitrary assumptions and
interventions of 'cheiftains of civil society' in their purported
attempts to educate dalits  as though the latter are not capable of
articulating and expressing  by themselves
appears out of context.
 Ambedkar had never retracted from his pursuit of struggling for  the
rights of dalits.He had never compromised anywhere in his life- long
engagement with Brahmanism, for that matter. If anybody is suggesting
that Mayavathi and BSP are trying to do just that, I wish less to
agree than to disagree.
The role of intellectuals, I believe , is not just to engage the 'soft
targets' or the comparatively  inconsequential opponents who may have
minor disagreements. On the contrary, I believe that it is more
imperative to challenge those ideas and assumptions in real lives that
perpetuate hegemony and allows the perpetrators to get away  with
impunity, in systematically recurring and institutionalized forms of
commissions and omissions.

On Mar 24, 11:25 pm, "ranju radha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mayavati is into power politics
> if issue based alliances in civil society could have "universal
> brahman/"upper" casstes" why deny the same possibility in politics
> if Mayavati' could utilise the bureaucracy to make some changes (it wont
> happen over night) that would be nice
> like it or not chiftains of civil society should accept the agency of
> mayavati and how she use Dalit/brahmin/OBC/muslim combination effectively in
> UPs politcs..
> critique of mayavati is indeed needd from dalit perspective..
> the prblm is in the assumption that DAlits cant understand anything and
> chieftains of civil society has to make them aware of it... i was
> questioning it.
> dalits from their day to day experience are theorising society/culture/
> they understood wht ambedkar said from their lived experiences
> evolving dalit discourse will be  testimony to
> chengara brings forth the agency of people and their struggle itself is
> theorisation of critique of kerala model of devpt and class deterministic
> marxist discourse of the region
> On 3/25/08, venukm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > With all appreciation and pride for Mayavathi ,let one also be
> > reminded of this slogan, reportedly used by the BSP in the electoral
> > campaign that led Mayavathi ultimately to the CM's post.
> > "Brahman sankh bajaayega, haathi aage badaayega."
> > Venu.K.M
> > -

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