Hi all,

This is an issue I've grappled with for long and hence would like to share
some views.

Yes, we do make a political statement when we reject Coca-cola. It may never
result in hitting their revenues and I don't think that is a target either.
However, I personally feel that drinking coke would be an insult to the
on-going struggles, especially after knowing about the struggles. The health
issues are also valid - but we already consume so many other poisons and
here a cola might not be able to find its place in the list of most harmful

Now, all bottling plants exploit water resources, and hence Pepsi or Coke is
no different from each other. But there are lesser evils to choose from, if
at all a soft-drink or bottled water can't be avoided - like a local,
smaller manufacturer.

Having said that if I'm left alone in the desert with a bottle of coke, I'm
most likely to drink it. Also, there will be other less extreme situations
where we might end up consuming products from a corporate that we're
fighting against at the same time. The trick is to be clear that we are
using the products as a tool or a necessary evil and not using it for

The other important thing here is to recognise the symbols - Coke is a
symbol of water-rights and environmental abuse, MacD is a symbol of
junk-food, Monsanto is a symbol of farmers' exploitation though there are
other companies/corporates who indulge in similar abuses/threats. However,
that does not make the grounds for fighting these giants any weaker. By
targetting the symbol, you are targetting all other abusers also. That is
one way I think we can show solidarity with as many people's movements as



On 4/9/08, aryakrishnan ramakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 12:04 AM, salimtk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > any ethical question in drinking cola?
> >
> Dear Salim,
> I was very apologetic and closetted about my liking for coca cola.
> Still I like the taste of the cola. I dont have any opposition to the
> cola based on health grounds or ethical grounds. Tropicana juice ,
> that natural flavoured one also come from Pepsico in India. If they
> exploit people I will support that struggle also, but will I stop
> drinking it?
> Is the opposition towards cocacola or is it against their corporate
> policies and double standard in Plachimada? I would say my opposition
> is towards the second.
> Aryan
> ps. I dont understand the logic of drinking tropicana and avoiding
> cocacola for political reasons.
> >

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