"The other important thing here is to recognise the symbols - Coke is a
symbol of water-rights and environmental abuse"
Do symbols overpower us at times?

Suppose the product is an undergarment or condum. Will there be a conspicous
campaign to boycot

Another concern always disturbed me in discusiions like this is about the
judgemental nature of it.
( I am sure, once I take part in this discussion, i will be judged)

Is boycotting a symbol of the political correctness of the boycotters?   The
performative nature of such acts need to be rethought.

Most of the time, those who are not in the least sympathetic to the struggle
raise such allegations against those who support it.

Laha Gopalan, owns land, so he is not morally qualified to lead the land

This guy uses this product, so s/he is not qualified to support this

When boycotting itself is a form of struggle, the situation is different.
Otherwise I always doubt such "impeachments".
I stand by Aryan's sincere position here.  Not that others are hypocratic.
But there is a fear factor underneath, I am 'afraid'
On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 11:23 PM, salimtk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> dear Aryan,
>  as rohit said, will it not be an insult to the people n organizations
> around the world, who struggle against cola if u drink it? at least, isnt it
> basic courtesy no to drink it infront of a samara panthal? when a boycot
> appeal against criminal cola is raised, what will be the primary action one
> has to take? cola products include all products coke produces including
> kinley exploting local water resource unjustly. isnt it our 'ethical'
> commitment no to drink any cola products in kierala as long as the
> plachimada struggle continues?
> love
> salim
>  On 4/9/08, aryakrishnan ramakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 12:04 AM, salimtk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > any ethical question in drinking cola?
> > >
> > Dear Salim,
> > I was very apologetic and closetted about my liking for coca cola.
> > Still I like the taste of the cola. I dont have any opposition to the
> > cola based on health grounds or ethical grounds. Tropicana juice ,
> > that natural flavoured one also come from Pepsico in India. If they
> > exploit people I will support that struggle also, but will I stop
> > drinking it?
> >
> > Is the opposition towards cocacola or is it against their corporate
> > policies and double standard in Plachimada? I would say my opposition
> > is towards the second.
> >
> > Aryan
> > ps. I dont understand the logic of drinking tropicana and avoiding
> > cocacola for political reasons.
> >
> >

Dileep R I thuravoor

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